We are on the lookout for 10 young artists, designers, performers and creatives to join Art Clubber’s latest programme, S.Y.N.C!

As a Creative Leader you will have the opportunity to receive paid training on facilitation and to deliver online workshops to the younger generations living in and around Tower Hamlets, London.

By infusing and syncing your discipline to the specified skill listed below, you’ll help come up with creative ideas to engage and prepare the young people to not only develop knowledge on the creative practice but also a crucial skill for them to progress.

  • Theatre - Oral communication/presentation skills

  • Dance - Collaboration and teamwork

  • Photography - Initiative 

  • 3D Design/Architecture - Problem Solving  

  • Filmmaking - Organisational Skills 

  • Fashion and Textiles - Adaptability/flexibility 

  • Sound - Independent working/autonomy 

  • Poetry and Literature - Written communication 

  • Graphic Design - Critical thinking 

  • Fine Art - Creativity

This is a paid opportunity (London Living Wage up to 10 hours) to design and deliver online workshops, via Zoom, with Art Clubbers and Spotlight. 

Submission Deadline, Friday 5th March 2021, 5pm

For inquiries on this programme or the application, please email annie.dam@artclubbers.com


We welcome applications from all residents living, studying or working in the UK aged 19-25, we also positively welcome candidates from the following groups to apply:

  • With no previous experience.

  • Creative and Innovative minds. 

  • Submissions from individuals with entrepreneurial solutions.  

 We positively encourage applications from marginalised communities including: 

  • Black, Asian and people of colour 

  • Females

  • Disabled people including people with mental health issues or long-term health issues or learning disabled

  • Gypsies and Travellers

  • Homeless


  • People without qualifications

  • Unemployed/low waged

  • Working class people