Chroma Towns is our exciting initiative to brighten our public spaces by collaborating with local communities involved in the process of creating street art within their places of residences, work or leisure. Our work is rooted in creating hyper localised masterpieces spotlighting public spaces and local areas as a destination for architecture, art, commerce, cuisine, customs, geography, history, and people. Spotlighting places of residence as a hub for local enterprise, a safe place to live and an area bustling with rich culture and leisure. 

Our mission with Chroma Towns is to bring art to every town and neighbourhood, the public art we bring engages with local residents, businesses and educational institutions to tell their own stories. Together we can bring art to every Londoner’s doorstep and bring colour to spaces long-neglected. Our initiative puts people at the forefront of concept and design, we have engaged with numerous groups from young people, local artists and marginalised groups to create something truly special.

Chroma Towns is a celebration of community, colour and creativity. 


Art In Sight

Making London’s Streets Colourful!

Welcome to Goodmayes

Bringing colour to the London Borough of Redbridge!

Poplar Paints

Poplar Paints celebrates fashion, colour and community!

“Art Clubbers are providing an invaluable service to young people of Goodmayes by co-designing and creating a cultural mural near Goodmayes Station. The creation of a mural will not only support the provision of youth activities over the summer period, it will also provide a culturally and visually pleasing mural for the wider residents of Goodmayes to enjoy. We thoroughly support their activities and look forward to supporting their activities in person, should the opportunity become available.”
— Mabel Ogundayo, Communications and Engagement Manager, Hadley Property Group