The Green Entrepreneurs Programme Launch! Week 1


We launched the Green Entrepreneurs Programme! 

In partnership with Essex County CouncilArt Clubbers CIC would like to present, The Green Entrepreneurs Programme which supports young people between the ages of 18-30 in Essex with an entrepreneurial spirit and an interest in all things creative and sustainable. The programme guides the young entrepreneurs launching their green business ideas through 6 weeks of free workshops from various industry professionals and experts. It covers business planning, marketing and branding guidance, pitching advice, legal and financial support, sustainable awareness and personal development. Programmes like this help drive young entrepreneurs in Essex to build a network of like-minded people and become confident in their new business start ups.

On our induction day, we were joined by Matt Miller from Essex County Council, who shared the vision for the programme and its future prospects. We have been developing digital badges for the cohort to celebrate the skills learnt from the programme. It was great to meet the entrepreneurs on the programme! It was really exciting to listen to everyone’s green business ideas and to learn what stage everyone is at in development. We all created a habit to work on throughout 6 weeks which was a fun way to get to know everyone and their values.

To kick off the first week, the entrepreneurs began learning about how green businesses can make a positive impact in the world with Rachael Castell, Director of Our Pledge and David Aula, Director of Unfeasible. Next we had an inspiring personal development session by Mamta Gera, Leadership Coach & Facilitator, about overcoming limiting beliefs. To round off the day, we had an insightful, Gen Z guide into building a personal brand by Phoebe Dodds.

Our next day started off with a great introduction in business marketing by Phie Mckenzie. We had an in depth dive into the lean canvas business model from Pagan-Lilley Phillips, Accessibility and Inclusion Consultant. We gained a great insight on all things HMRC, UTR and tax from Toni Eastwood OBE, MBA from Quantum Vantage.

We look forward to seeing how the entrepreneur’s ideas grow and develop!