The Green Entrepreneurs' Programme - Sprint 1: Weeks 5-6!

Week 5-6 of the Green Entrepreneurs Programme! Over half way through the programme and it's flying by!

This week we started off with Hrvoje Kondzic’s inspiring session on heart centred business by understanding business sustainability. This explored how to not only build a business that supports people and the planet but oneself to encourage longevity. Emma Edmondson and Lu Williams ran a session on sustainable outsourcing in your green business through understanding sustainable decisions made throughout the creative process. Great insights into bringing sustainability into your business practice by discussing materials and manufacturing. Teresa Ferreira ran a thorough workshop on how to create a success pitch. A truly valuable session into pitching for the green sector and a great for the cohort to prepare for their pitches at the end of Sprint 1. Racheal Castell facilitated a lovely discussion on why the world needs green business’. Reflecting on regenerative plans for business and how this reflects us as individuals, why this is a huge strength.

The following week began with a session on how to develop your business with Hrvoje Kondzic by discussing market development and penetration as well as product development and diversification. Discussions on what growth in business can look like and how it affects every department within an organisation. Nat Harrison led a session on building confidence as an individual by evaluating what confidence is, tactics to becoming more confident and how to tackle self-deprecating beliefs. Emma Edmonson ran a session on fundraising for your business. Understanding what funding is available and how to fundraise for specific projects which encouraged great discussions on researching funders that align with one's values.

We had our networking event in the George and Dragon Pub in Epping where Elias Watson and Sam Shelly shared their insights into the green sector. It was fantastic to meet locals interested in the programme and to share experiences of the programme. 

We only have 2 more weeks of Sprint 1 of the programme! The cohort have been progressing and developing their initiatives to get ready to pitch very soon!

Applications are accepted throughout the programme with our rolling deadline. You can catch up on all session recordings so have not missed out! If you are in Essex and ready to learn all things business, join us now! Apply here:

Ajay Pabial